I am reminded of life’s piggy banks as we usher in the Chinese
New Year of the Pig in 2019 and how they can help us to make
our goals in life come true.
I am sure that many of us, if not all of us, have used piggy banks
in our lives, when we were kids to save some money for rainy
days and for times of need or for being able to afford to buy the
things we want at a later time. It was a great feeling for me when
I found I could get the special thing I desired when I had saved
enough money for it and I could just use the savings in the piggy
bank. I do not recall breaking open any piggy banks as they could
be opened easily and used again.
I believe, that even as adults, many of us still use piggy banks,
whether we know it or not. Your adult life’s piggy banks may
not all have physical shapes or some may be even invisible.
Many of us are still putting some money aside when we can
and saving it so that we can use it in future for emergency or
unexpected expenses. Many of us are also investing, not only
money, but also time and efforts to improve our health and to
acquire new useful skills to improve our lives, as well as to get
new friends and build mutually beneficial personal and business
relationships. All these activities are making good use of adult
life’s piggy banks, don’t you agree?
The very good thing about these special piggy banks in our adult
lives, is that, unlike kiddies piggy banks, we can always be making
deposits into them, almost automatically and subconsciously every
day and we can also be reaping benefits from them, even as we are
busy with our lives. We do not have to wait for adult piggy banks to
fill up and be emptied, because the capacities to receive knowledge
to improve our lives are limitless and you can never empty all the
contents in your own life’s piggy banks. What is really awesome is
the fact that even if you do not empty your adult piggy banks, you
can still get many benefits from what you have deposited into them.

If you are celebrating the Chinese New Year of the Pig, have a very
happy time. Whether you are celebrating it or not, here are my best
wishes that your own life’s piggy banks will always bring you lots of
good health and wealth, not only in monetary terms but also in gaining
wisdom to achieve your goals and improve your lives. Happy Holidays
to everyone.