Do you know that if you are always procrastinating, you will
be locking yourself up in jail?
And throwing away the key?
You will also be wasting a lot of your time which will be lost
and can never be recovered or generated again.
You will be stuck in the prison cell until you can be released.
You will miss many interesting events in the outside world as
well as many golden opportunities in new businesses and the
investment fields.
Do you know why many people have done this crazy thing to
voluntarily put themselves into confinement?
Is it perhaps because they have not realised, until now, that it
is themselves that they are imprisoning every time when they
commit this “crime” of procrastination?
But don’t you agree that even after knowing this fact now, the
people will continue with their “criminal” habits, get captured
and end up in jail again?
This is very strange, isn’t it?
After all, how many of us really like to be stuck behind bars in
the prison?
Do you think that these people actually enjoy going to jail ?
Do you know what is even more puzzling?
How are all these people able to get in and out of their jails so
easily and frequently to repeat their “crimes”?
Many people find it very difficult and almost impossible to get
out of their procrastination jails mainly because they have too
many things on their minds and they do not know where they
should focus and how to set their priorities.
They know that they are not doing the right thing because they
will have to face the consequences, sooner or later. They know
that the results of their actions or rather non action, in this case,
can bite them, often taking big chunks out of their time and also
their money…
But they still want to do this procrastinating thing!
And keep themselves locked up!
Have you wondered why they do this?
Have you asked yourself why you did this?
Does this question shock you?
Can you honestly say that you have never procrastinated at
all in your life?
Did you put off doing certain tasks or making decisions as
you thought that you would never have time to do them?
If you need help to get back some of the time which was
taken from you, there are some tips in the previous post…
is multitasking good or bad for you?...
Many of us are still now not able to avoid getting captured
and put into procrastination jail, every now and then!
Don’t you agree?
It now looks like all of us have been in jail many times!
Whether we know it or not!
And many are stuck in prison or will still be going to jail!
Unless someone can stand up and declare that they have
never been guilty of procrastinating and will never do it!
Is there anyone who dares to say this?
Do you agree that procrastinating is a “crime” which has
been committed by all of us?
And this is very likely to be repeated many times and very
often if we do not take steps to stop this?
Do you know procrastination can lead us to go on a tour of
other “nations”?
Hallucination…daydreaming about other things, imagining
how nice if there is no need to do the dreaded task.
Hibernation…going back to sleep or non action.
Indoctrination… not questioning why there is procrastination
and how to prevent it from happening again.
Illumination…suddenly remembering that some very urgent
deadlines are about to be missed or very important papers
have been misplaced and cannot be found.
Consternation…feeling very confused and panicky in the big
rush to complete the required work.
Can you think of any other “nations” which have been left out
of the tour?
As you can see, the tour is not one which you will enjoy and it
should be avoided as much as possible.
Procrastination can cause many great business and investment
opportuninities to be missed and also a lot of time and money
to be lost.
Do you really want to procrastinate and suffer the losses?
If you are interested in quick profits from internet, which are not
scams or get rich quick schemes, you can read more details on
the post about quick profits.
The question now in the minds of many people is…
Can we really completely eliminate procrastination?
The answer, as you may already know, is…
It is really not possible for us to get rid of this procrastinating
thing as we are all only human and we have our weaknesses.
There are several things which can cause many people to fall
into the trap of procrastination.
Nobody is perfect.
Do you agree that we are all guilty of having been trapped in
this bad habit at some time in the past of our lives?
Does it actually matter?
The good thing is… it should not really matter too much if we
are not able to stop ourselves from falling into this trap again,
provided we can learn from our mistakes and take action and
prevent it from happening again to always reduce the number
of likely recurrences.
Do you know how to escape from the procrastination jail?
Different people procrastinate because of different reasons or
combinations of reasons.
There are many articles on the likely factors which can cause
people to procrastinate and also many tips on how to handle
and overcome the problems.
The information is very useful to help people understand and
deal with their procrastination problems.
However, there are some contradictory suggestions which can
confuse many people on what actions to take.
If we want to help people or ourselves to solve procrastination
problems in order to become more organised, we need to know
the particular causes that are responsible for creating the bad
habits in different people.
We do not need to know every possible cause.
We must be careful that we do not spend too much of our very
valuable time searching to find all the likely possible causes to
enable us to solve our problems but end up procrastinating and
delaying to take the necessary corrective actions.
Many people can be seriously affected by their procrastinations
which are causing them to lose a lot of their time and money. If
they cannot get the problems resolved by themselves, they must
not hesitate to seek help from the experts.
For the rest of us who find that procrastination is not causing a
lot of damage to our lives, but is still something that we cannot
get rid of completely, here are some simple tips that can make
it possible for us to constantly reduce the number of times we
wiil be trapped in the vicious cycle.
The tips are very easy to apply.
To understand how the tips can help us, we need to identify the
one thing that is responsible for making most, if not all, people
fall into the trap of procrastination.
Do you know what is this thing called?
It is called feeling!
More specifically, it is good feeling!
It really feels good when we can procrastinate, doesn’t it?
We can just sit there and relax and do not have to do the work
or make the decisions which we can postpone to another day,
Doesn’t that feel very good?
Perhaps, procrastinating occasionally is not a bad thing if you
know how to prioritize your tasks?
What do you think?
Of course, if you do this too frequently, it can quickly get out
of control and cause you to miss deadlines or forget important
things and can result in big losses in your time and money.
Many people are aware that if they procrastinate too much, it
can be very bad for them because they will have to face and
deal with the consequences which can be very serious…
But you know they will stiill do it, don’t you?
Do you agree this is because they cannot stop themselves from
giving in to the temptation to feel good when they can delay to
take action?
Isn’t this situation very similar to those where people know that
the food or drinks or cigarettes that they consume or smoke are
actually not good for their health but they will still want to take
them because they taste so good or make them feel so good?
Good feelings can make people do strange things!
Now that we know that the major cause of procrastination in a
lot of cases is most likely the failure of many people to restrain
themselves from the temptations of getting good feelings when
they can procrastinate, they can have better control of the bad
habits of procrastination by just using their will powers.
We should always remember that procrastination is the thief of
time and so is complacency.
And since time is money, your money will also be silently stolen
from you.
These thieves should be locked up in prison so that they cannot
cause trouble and you do not have to be in procrastination jail
and waste your time there.
Remember that time is very precious.
Time flies but some people say that you are the pilot and that is
very true. You are in full control.
The wonderful thing is there is no need to have any magical or
super powers to escape from your procrastination jail.
If you are in procrastination jail and if you want to get out, you
just have to release yourself from the prison.
The key is always with you!
Your mindset is your key.
It is completely up to you to get out or stay there.
If you are procrastinating and delaying to do the work or make
decisions that should not be postponed, you should just get up
and do it!
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”
If you take action, you will be glad you did because you do not
have to worry about the unhappy consequences that you have
to face if you did not get the work done.
It is not possible to completely eliminate procrastinating since
we are only human and not perfect.
However, we can certainly take steps which can help us to be
more efficient and more productive by continuously reducing
our procrastination.
Here are the two very simple tips or steps…
The first step is …always not forget that our procrastination can
cause us to lose a lot of our very precious time and money.
The second step is… just do it!
If you do the thing which should not be delayed any longer, you
will not regret it. You will not have to go on the not so pleasant
tour of the “nations” which have been mentioned earlier.
If nothing else can stop people from always procrastinationing,
this simple back to basics approach can perhaps wake up some
people and do the trick to help them to reduce the bad habits.
This should work with most people who have the will power to
change and improve their lives, by wisely using their time and
money and not wasting them.
People who have more deep seated and complicated causes for
their procrastinating behaviors should seek expert help.
We are responsible for our actions or non action and cannot run
away and escape from the consequences.
We should not blame others if things do not work well for us.
If you want to stop or reduce your procrastination, you will
have to take the required steps and just do it!
The sooner you do it, the better it will be for you.